What Students Say About Monique


Vedic Chanting

Sanskrit is an ancient language with a divine vibration. Chanting in Sanskrit has a profound influence on the body and mind. Each syllable and word contribute to calming, healing or invigorating. I have enjoyed learning Vedic Chanting with Monique either personally or in a group setting. She is an excellent teacher and helps with her knowledge of the Sanskrit language, Vedic Chanting and also with her infinite patience. When practiced regularly, the chant remains in your head - which helps to empty the mind from worries. Just listening to the chant is great but chanting it yourself is even better. I would definitely recommend exploring the world of Vedic Chanting with Monique!

– Keiko, Japan

Although I am someone who started out saying ``I have no voice,`` Monique was unfailingly empathic, encouraging and patient. She helped me realize that—like all of us—I have the capacity to make beautiful music. With Monique's support, I learned to make sounds I never imagined possible and to feel a deep peace and groundedness because of it. If you want to discover your voice and reclaim your power, give yourself the gift of working with Monique. She is a woman of great wisdom and grace and her teachings are nothing short of magic.

– Elizabeth, Oakland, CA

Monique is passionate, knowledgeable, and strong guidance helps her students understand and learn what Vedic chant really is. Attending the Monday Vedic chant classes are the highlight of my week; when the hour is over, I feel restored. Peaceful, yet filled with energy and joy.

– Raquela Moncada-Cowan, Taos, New Mexico

Studying and practicing Vedic chanting with Monique is a rare and precious experience. She masterfully guides both the individual and collective into the realm of sacred mantra and the sublime abode of transformational sound healing. The mind becomes protected, the body resonates and the heart is beckoned by the Divine.

– Ceily Levy, Taos, New Mexico

My admiration for Monique and appreciation for Vedic Chanting deepened through my Skype sessions with her and is now a constant in my daily life. It is an honor to be guided by a teacher whose own practice and love for the tradition emanates. Monique is a unique gem of a teacher who offers warm support as she takes you on a journey from darkness to light uncovering and discovering, and inspiring.

– Dina Varellas, Walnut Creek, California

Vedic chanting with Monique is most purifying, and puts us in touch with a higher vibration. Rare indeed is this authentic practice which cultivates mindfulness to such a high level. The power of chanting washes away our flawed tendencies, and over time the ego itself.

– Tao Jones, Taos, New Mexico

I’ve been studying Vedic chanting with Monique since the summer of 2019 when I joined her amazing retreat to India for Panchakarma and Vedic chanting. I’ve continued my studies with her online and love it. Monique is knowledgeable, patient and incredibly supportive. She handles a large group as well as individual sessions with equal ease and is a delight to listen to her chant.

– Treeya Zukas, Port Townsend, Washington

Vedic chanting is a sacred gift of sound one can give to their soul. If it wasn’t for Monique Parker listening to her calling and taking her yoga teaching in the lineage of Krishnamacharya, I would not have had the privilege to both hear and learn these sacred chants and mantra-s. After each session with Monique my head is buzzing and my heart is glowing. The daily routine of chanting an opening slokah that Monique taught me this past summer has given me something steady to hold onto as we are all experiencing the great shifts of current taking place around us.

– Jenai Lecuyer-Roybal, Boulder, Colorado

I feared coming back to yoga as a paralyzed person with a degenerative illness because I still had memories of what my body could do as an Ashtanga yogi. Monique adapted postures and helped me to work with my breath and movements in a safe way. Simple chanting and breathing opened up energetic nadi channels, and I was able to mentally focus to a stillpoint. Prior to some sessions, I couldn’t feel my feet, arms or legs, or breathe, but once we started the sessions, I experienced the deeper profound lesson of yoga—that we are not the body.

– Maia Calloway

Yoga Therapy

I feel blessed to have discovered Monique while spending the summer in Taos. As a certified yoga teacher myself, I found the her classes rejuvenating, safe, intelligent and caring. The yogic philosophy that’s incorporated, including the Vedic chanting class were spiritually empowering and left me feeling calm and peaceful. I even tried the foam roller class and found it the perfect compliment to the asana class.

Ashton Graham, Salt Flat, Texas

Monique knew exactly how to work with the issues I was having and helped me take the very first steps to getting strong and pain-free again. Highly recommend her therapeutic yoga classes.

Karen Vargas, Taos, New Mexico

Monique makes frequent trips to India to further her own extensive knowledge. She is committed to transmitting the classical training of the Krishnamacharya lineage and the timeless knowledge set forth in the yoga sutras. For those who want to get to the roots of yoga, and deepen their understanding of the yoga path, I highly recommend studying with Monique.

Lou McCall, El Rito, New Mexico

Monique brings to yoga and yoga therapy extensive training and self-study in addition to many years of teaching. This is classic yoga with attention to the individual even in a group class and proper breathing techniques creating a safe practice. Body, breath and mind are integrated through all the disciplines of yoga, as if often claimed but not carried out by many instructors.

Martha Flanders, Arroyo Hondo, New Mexico

Monique is a compassionate and gifted teacher. Through many years of experience in her own practice and education, she has developed yoga therapy classes which are gentle, but also challenging, and combine meditation and chanting. The sessions have helped to stabilize my blood pressure and to feel more at peace and happy.

Sherry Koch, Taos, New Mexico

Although I have practiced Hatha Yoga most of my adult life, it was only when I studied with Monique that I realized Yoga is a “Way of Life.” I have participated in Monique’s classes for years now and am always filled with the depth of her knowledge about all aspects of yoga, the loving, personally supportive feel to her sessions, and her ability to constantly evolve, grow and adapt to the needs of her students. Monique is a gift to many individuals; we’re so lucky to have Monique in our lives

Deborah Halpern, Big Island, Hawaii

I arrived at Monique’s classes depleted by a long illness. My breathing was constricted by stress. My muscles ached. My stamina was nil. I needed healing for body and soul, and I found it under Monique’s gentle, attentive, and learned guidance. This is not ‘twist into a pretzel ‘ yoga or ‘hot until you drop’ yoga. Every posture is a vessel for meditative breath. After each session, I feel greater strength and flexibility as well as a deep sense of calm, balance, and harmony. I highly recommend Monique. I don’t think I would have found renewed health if I hadn’t taken classes with her.

Barbara Norris, Dallas, Texas and Taos, New Mexico


Monique’s Jyotish reading was a beautiful blend of scientific inquiry and study, coupled with her strong spiritual intuition. The reading comfortably reflected my personal sense of self and purpose, while also offering surprises and new direction. Monique reflected areas of personal transformation, extended family, life goals and passions, travel, health, and much more. I strongly felt a sense of my life not being random, but a deeper feeling that everything is happening just as it should be. Better understanding my karma in this lifetime was absolutely the best gift I could give myself. Thank you, Monique!

– CJ Sanders, Pilar, New Mexico

Monique’s Vedic astrology reading was illuminating! It confirmed so much about myself that I had forgotten or questioned. I feel that with her guidance I’ve been able to step onto the path towards my highest potential. The synchronicities between my birth chart and reality were shockingly accurate. It was truly a gift to explore this ancient system of astrology with Monique as my guide.

– Summer Yeagley, Taos, New Mexico

Much gratitude for the most enlightening and beautiful Jyotish reading. Monique acknowledged many things I felt through the years about my relationship with family members. Acknowledged my life purpose, which I always questioned. She shared much info on my health and relationship with my husband. She also confirmed everything is in divine right order. I can not thank you enough Monique. This reading not only helped answer unknown questions, it also gave me a sense of knowing that I am on the right path with life and healing work for myself and others. It was a great blessing to me.

– Pam One Feather Mirabal, Seminole, Florida

I had never experienced Jyotish until yogini and wise woman Jyotishi Monique Parker did an in-depth reading for me this winter. It allowed me to see my high points and challenges – uncovering layers of the journey that I am on that can be put to practical use in decision making and living a life of balance. The reading was rich and informative. Monique was prepared and clear. She also made time to discuss any questions that I had. I highly recommend Monique’s readings for anyone who is interested in tools to navigate their life with deeper understanding.

– Andrea Clearfield, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Testimonial Videos

Watch the all of the testimonials videos from my students on my Youtube channels.
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